Swapping from BRR
Instructions to convert your BRR Finance tokens to Celestial Finance.
Last updated
Instructions to convert your BRR Finance tokens to Celestial Finance.
Last updated
To swap your BRR tokens (CASH, PRINTER, CBOND) to Celestial Finance tokens (RAD, STARS, GLOW), go to the following address:
Each token has it's own swap link as shown:
The balance of BRR tokens that may be swapped is shown under "Balance:"
Start by clicking "Approve" first to approve the contract access to your BRR tokens.
Next, click the "Swap" button once the Approve transaction has finished.
Enter the amount of tokens you wish to swap and click "Submit.
After the swap transaction is complete it will report the number of tokens you swapped and the new balance of your Celestial Finance tokens!
Repeat this process for each BRR token you have in your wallet.